Thursday, April 17, 2014

We fit right in

It didn't take long before we started to look like we have been on the fair for years. (In spirit I have) The child is the youngest member of the fair, a little piece of tumbleweed named Koco who keeps us constantly entertained. Yes that is a broken arm. Hasn't slowed her up at all.

the weather

We live a bit like feral cats, spending most of our time outside when we are not eating or sleeping. That is all very fine in summer but this time of year our lifestyle is really emphasised by the fickleness of the weather, but it's balanced by the fabulous sunsets:

The Gosling

So, once we started collecting driftwood for my signs we needed more room. In New Plymouth we found a good trailer which, with the help of some other Gypsies, Chris turned into a gorgeous wee vardo. Don't know how we ever did without it. Take a sturdy trailer, add walls, a roof, paint and hit the road again.

This is what we sell

Our stock has changed as we go along. My small bits of folk art turned into driftwood signs because the first few I did sold quickly and it seems to be what the public want. Chris has enjoyed designing some new creatures after years of reproducing the same old gallery pieces. His work is hugely popular.


Lots of 'firsts' in the last few months and lots of finally achieving longtime wishes: biking around the countryside, hand feeding kingfish swimming in Gulf harbour, dancing in Kaukapakapa, finally seeing Mt Taranaki without a veil of cloud and drumming on stage! YAY! I'm hooked. SOOOO much fun.

The view from the office

The view from the office is pretty amazing.

A quick summary

Here's a wee summary of the last 3 years: We spent 2 years looking after Auntie Gwen, Mum and keeping an eye on Dad. When Mum and her sis died (6 days apart) we stayed on at the house or a further year before buying our current Bedford "Snow Goose" from Invercargill. We gutted the inside and re-built to accommodate us for full time living, putting down the tools just days before we were due to join the Gypsy Fair in Rotorua. Our first stall was sparce to say the least, but we were just glad to be there - so began a season o working 7 days a week to catch up with our selves build stock and adjust to a completely different way of life. So, September 2013 we ran away with the original Gypsy Fair with flax and folk art as our crafts for the season. Lots has happened since then.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Gosh. 3 years have gone by. The only similarity in our life is we still live in a bus, though even that is a different one. (a Bedford though, of course) Tonight I am checking I can still post on this blog - if so I will start updating regularly so whanau and friends can keep track of us. meanwhile here is a photo of the Snow Goose.