Saturday, October 16, 2010

I say poster, you say imposter

It's 2 months since I posted - NO! that can't be right. Next you will be telling me it is only 9 weeks to Christmas. Ha!

It has been so long, I have just had to spend an hour trying to get back into my blog page to update. I must have seemed like an imposter. Ah yes, now that title makes sense...

Anyway here are the latest photos and news headlines. Most days I need to be in 3 places at once. Either at the camp or at the gardens, and on Sundays, at the Kerikeri craft market selling creatures. One year of this is probably all we will survive. Our fingers will be worn down to a nub.

Meanwhile, we have been eating cheramoyas! Very yummy old fashioned fruit which I bet will become the latest fashionable fruit found at all the farmers' markets. Ours come from the very old lichen encrusted tree pictured.

I've been sowing seeds flat out to plant into the huge garden we have dug over (more about this in my next post) and after this month of horrible weather I have had to employ cunning tactics to encourage germination. The difference between the daytime temperature and the night time chilliness has resulted in lots of failures so I now have a wee hothouse made from the packaging that a duvet came wrapped in. It works. The seeds are planted in loo roll holders which encourages good root growth and can then be put straight into the ground. The cardboard rots and becomes compost.

I made cauliflower pickle, which I have made dozens of times before - it looks great and I took this photo before trying it, and consequently discovering that it was too runny and not sweet enough, so I had to boil it up again with more sugar. Ahhhh! Moral is, don't cook 3 things at once to try to save time.

And just for fun, I have included a photo of cherry blossom in the nursery ponds.
May the sun shine upon you